Angel Investments

What is it?

Thomson Associates is often approached by its friends and associates who are looking to finance, either directly or on behalf of friends or acquaintances, opportunities of $500,000 and under. They can be looking for start-up capital, bridge financing, money to pay down debts, etc.

Why this approach?

The time and effort needed for such a financing cannot typically be compensated by a reasonable fee arrangement and in response, Thomson Associates provides an Angel Investment forum for companies requiring under $1 million to present their opportunity.

What we are providing.

The forum provided here is completely independant of intervention and opinion from Thomson Associates and its staff and is meant to provide companies in need of smaller amounts of money with a window to a unique group of participants with varied interests and an expansive network of associates.

We encourage you to visit the opportunities presented within... You never know what you might find!

For more information, please email us at angelinvestments@thomsonassociates.com


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